Question: 1 / 110

Is Blockchain.Info the only website that allows querying address and transaction information?

Yes, it is the only one.

No, there are multiple websites.

The correct answer indicates that there are multiple websites available for querying address and transaction information related to cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. This reflects the diverse ecosystem surrounding blockchain technology. Numerous blockchain explorers exist, which provide users with the ability to search for transaction details, wallet balances, and other relevant data.

These blockchain explorers can vary in their features and user interfaces. While Blockchain.Info (now known as is one of the more popular options, there are several others, such as BlockCypher, Blockstream, and Etherscan, which cater to different cryptocurrencies and may offer specific functionalities that cater to user needs. This variety enhances user choice and provides different perspectives on blockchain data.

In summary, the presence of multiple blockchain explorers reinforces the notion that users have a wide range of resources to obtain transaction and address information, supporting the answer that claims there are many available websites beyond just one.

Only for Bitcoin transactions.

It is the most popular, but not the only.


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